The Topeka Gem and Mineral Society


TGMS Membership Benefits and Programs

As a club member, you’ll receive the following benefits:

  • Classes covering various aspects of jewelry making and metal work, including wire-wrapping, silversmithing, and lapidary classes. These classes are usually free of charge (except for materials) and are put on by members of the Society.
  • Access to club-owned equipment for lapidary work (weather permitting). A small additional fee may be asked for to provide for equipment maintenance and upkeep.
  • Our club newsletter, The Glacial Drifter, full of interesting articles and valuable information.
  • Junior members can participate in the AFMS Junior Rockhounds program, a series of classes and activities geared to teaching youngsters about various aspects of geoscience and lapidary arts. (For more information, check out the “Future Rockhounds” link in the menu.)

In addition, Society members can vote at meetings and run for office.


Dues come due in December for the following year, and are considered delinquent after the February meeting.

Individual$15.00 year
Couple$20.00 year
Junior Membership (17 years or younger)$5.00 year


To join the club, you must complete a membership application and a liability release form.

These forms can also be obtained at a club meeting. Dues must be paid when the forms are turned in.